The Journey

Imagination fueled my childhood and love enriched it.
When I was 10 years old my teacher gave us a writing prompt about an empty room, and I wrote about the abstract things that made it empty. There was no love, there was no light, there was no friendship… Although she scolded me for not having described a physically empty room, I knew I had done well! When I took the piece home to my mother she exclaimed, ​

Michelle Rene DeBellis

My vision for my life began at that moment.

I knew there was no better way to make sense of our lives than through story. 

From then on, I wrote      
short stories, plays, essays, and novels while reading every genre known to man to find my style. Meanwhile, I lived out a beautiful romance with my husband, built a business that would support our artistic endeavors, and experienced the most creative effort of my life; the birth and raising of our two children, all amidst the struggles we call “life”.

In those experiences, I found the compelling substance for an excellent novel and feel passionate pride in sharing my writing with you.

“You are a writer!”


"Love is bigger than the rules we've built around it"

A quote from The Music We Make